劳森助攻如神 伊力福拉提再展英姿 亨特手感冰凉 新疆战胜四川
09-20 22:33

CBA preseason game in Yinchuan, Ningxia on September 20th. Xinjiang versus Sichuan.

The game started with Xinjiang's new foreign aid Peterson firing on all cylinders, scoring 12 points in a row with long shots in the first quarter. Sichuan relied on Lee Jinxiao, who hit 3 three-pointers in a row to sustain them. At the end of the first quarter, Xinjiang led by 8 points. In the second quarter, both teams increased their defensive intensity, and the whistle blew continuously, taking them to the free-throw line. Sichuan managed to narrow the gap to 2 points with three-pointers, but Xinjiang responded with a 7-0 run to stabilize the situation. Lawson then made contributions on both ends of the court, and at halftime, Xinjiang led by 16 points.

In the second half, both teams continued to play at a slow pace. Sichuan's foreign aid Hunter's shooting percentage dropped and he repeatedly hit the iron. Xinjiang, on the other hand, led by their foreign aid, extended their lead to over 20 points several times by the end of the third quarter. In the final quarter, the whistle continued to blow, and Sichuan launched a 9-0 run to close the gap. However, Xinjiang quickly regained their double-digit lead, and in the end, they comfortably beat Sichuan 88-66.

Here are the stats:

Xinjiang: Peterson 20 points, 6 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 steals; Lawson 16 points, 14 rebounds, 6 assists; Li Yanzhe 10 points, 3 rebounds, 3 assists; Elyar 18 points, 5 rebounds; Abudushalamu 7 points, 4 rebounds; Ge Haoran 6 points, 3 rebounds, 3 assists, 3 steals; Wu Guanxi 4 points.

Sichuan: Lee Jinxiao 18 points, 2 rebounds; Su Ruoyu 4 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals; Hu Junlin 3 rebounds, 3 assists; Jing Hanyi 5 points, 2 assists; Hunter 11 points, 4 rebounds; Wang Xinkai 7 points, 2 rebounds; Yang Wenxue 3 points, 8 rebounds, 2 assists; Yu Xiaoyong 9 points; Zuo Zhennian 7 points, 4 rebounds, 2 assists.
